
Dr. Wax

Products and Services




(281) 568-8444


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AsphWax's Lab & Simulation Schedule

Test Descriptions

I) Samples

•  Restoration of STO Samples

•  Restoration of Pressurized Surface Samples

•  Restoration of Pressurized Sub-surface Samples

•  Sample Storage

II) Oil Property & Diagnostic Tests

• Specific (or API) Gravity

•  Asphaltene Analysis

•  Wax Analysis

•  Resin Analysis

•  Organic Deposit Analysis (includes: Wax, Asphaltenes, & Inorganics)

•  PARA Analysis

•  Wax Crystallization Test (i.e., Cloud Point)

• Cloud Point Test at elevated pressure

•  Wax Solubility Test

•  Pour Point Test

•  Asphaltene Flocculation Test

• Asphaltene Flocculation Test at elevated pressure

•  Viscosity Curve Measurement and Correlation Development

•  Wax Melting Point

•  Oil Gelling Study - Determine Gelled Oil Yield Stress

•  Emulsion Testing

III) Phase Behavior Simulation

•  Peng-Robinson PARA Oil Characterization + VLE Simulation

• Calculation of Hydrate Envelope

•  ADE Simulation

•  WDE Simulation

IV) Wax Deposition Tests + Simulation

•  Dynamic Wax Deposition Test

•  Pipeline Wax Deposition Simulation

V) Chemical Performance Testing

• Treat Oil with Chemical

• Static Wax Deposition Test

• Dynamic Wax Deposition Test with Treated Oil

• Asphaltene Dispersant Test

VI) Formation Damage

•  Near-Well Formation Damage Simulation

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(281) 568-8444

12976 Sugar Ridge Boulevard, Stafford, Texas 77477